I have been given these great blog awards from this amazing blogger friend.
.Monique... She makes so many lovely cards and projects and raises lots of money for various charities, she is so inspiratational. Huge enormous thanks my friend.
Now i am not going to bore you with anymore details about me but i will pass on these awards, i will not in anyway be offended if you decide not to accept as i know how time-consuming it can be to post them and then pass them on but i also know how great it feels to receive them.
I have made so many friends through blogland that i feel you should all have one, so if you are a follower of mine please take one of these awards and know that it is given with love and thanks. Without you followers i would never have carried on with my blog (lol me that said "no i haven't got time to blog"..) i love entering the challenges and finally learnt how to link properly and comment.
Nite nite my blogger friends and just in case i don't get chance to say it nearer the time ....have a great weekend, me i am off to a wedding
Love and hugs